I was reading about the NTU stabbing when I came across this Facebook group, For the Truth Behind the NTU Stabbing Incident.
The group currently has 887 members and is founded by this seemingly creepy looking guy Aen. Aen strongly felt there is more than meets the eye and that David Hartanto Widjadja may not have been the aggressor in the stabbing incident .
I am definitely NOT promoting or joining this group. The concept behind the group smacks too much of some media-police conspiracy cover up theory.
The the fact that such a group can even manage to gather 887 members is scary. Either that guy Aen has a lot of friends out there or there are that many crazy people out there who actually shared the belief that there is a conspiracy against a foreign student's death.
Anyway, below is the description statement of the Face Book group. Read at your own risk!
I was not eager to name this group based on the "stabbing" incdent in NTU because nobody can be sure what really happened. Police investigations are underway and the media has been doing a lousy job with their rotten, biased and sensationalist reports. Nonetheless, I have chosen to name as such because everybody had come to know of this news as such.
Like myself a few days ago, many of you might not have been fully aware of what had happened in NTU on March 02 morning. The gist of it is, unlike what the media has vividly but groundlessly reported, a bloodied David Hartanto Widjadja, an NTU student from Indonesia had been seen running out from NTU Professor Chan Kap Luk's office and subsequently jumped onto a linkway between two blocks from the fifth storey and then falling off the linkway to his death. Any details in between are currently all speculation, some realistic, some biased and some ridiculous. But all of them raise questions. Questions that begs us people to police the media and the authorities. What we want is the truth and the truth can only be told with utmost transparency and honesty. As a united group of people who have confidence in the Singapore justice system, we demand no less than transparency and honesty. This group has been set up to question if the need arises. We will not accuse but we will aggressively question.
What Has the Media Done?
Shortly after the incident happened, the media was quick to report as vividly as they could what they think have happened, that David stabbed Professor Chan and then slit his wrists and jumped off a building to his death, based on "witness" accounts, even though doors of the office where it happened were closed. They published the biased stories anyway, and many have guess, possibly as an attempt to shift the blame to David Hartanto Widjadja, portraying him as a deranged, depressed, vengeful, suicidal and murderous loner while victimizing Professor Chan Kap Luk. The fact could be very far from what is reported as David's family has reported no slit wounds on his wrists.
What Can You Do?
Don't believe what the media says and help to ensure the correct informations gets circulated. Combat the biased and unfair reports by telling people around you what are facts and what are not. You should also spread the word by recruiting more members to this group. The more voices we have, the stronger our message. You can do this by inviting ALL your friends to the group and posting the group on your profile by using the "share" feature. You can also blog about the group and mention it to people. Your help is needed in our campaign. We will be a voice to be reckoned with should the time comes for us to speak up.
The Next Step
have a thing to say? Thoughts on this matter? More speculation? Have an idea that would improve the system? Go to the forums and join a discussion, or even start one. We are getting bigger and stronger. Let's put our numbers to good use.
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5 weeks ago
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