Thursday, April 9, 2009

Rude comments on youtube


I have disabled further comments on my youtube account.

People these days are SO nasty! Especially online. Hiding behind anonymous nicknames.

I did not post any obscene or outrageous videos. It was just a video of my maltese, Bell growling, for goodness sake. And I received comments ranging from how they want to kick my dog to hoping that it would die and calling it all sort of unmentionable names.

The last comment was this....
spewin to be that piece of shit i would put it down and laugh at its dead body... fucken hate dogs that growl at ya... ill kick any that i see across the fucken room and hope it dies

I wondered what in the video tripped the guy to make him say something malicious to me, a total stranger. Mentally deranged fellow? Trying to get attention?

Sigh. I give up. There are too many stupid idiots and retards out there. And I am not interested in the raunchy shit that spew out from their filthy mouths. So I am denying them this very pleasure of insulting me and my videos.

So good bye comments. And by disabling comments, those who got something bad to say can just brew in their own stew of vulgarity and evilness. I am not interested.

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