Friday, June 13, 2008

Making of a little bitch

SO's sister has 2 young daughters. Both are below 8. Ch was about 1 to 2 years older than Cl. According to grandma, Cl was the more favored child cos she was prettier than her sister (and also a better ass kisser/suckup). This Cl is a little bitch in the making. Despite her tender age, she is a spiteful little bully bitch. For example she would hide her older sister's toys or stuff, even destroying them so Ch could not play with them.

She would also often do stuff, steal things and then blame it on the elder sister. Wat a little bitch! She is about 6 or so only, so where is she learning all things from? Tv? Her mama? Gosh. If she is like that now, imagine her 5 or 10 years later. If she could do spiteful things at a young age to her very own sister, what havoc would she do to others?

Please, this is not being naughty, this is spite and pure jealousy. At her age, I dun think I was even capable of such actions much less such spiteful thoughts.

The following incident was told to me by SO, as narrated by his mother.
Grandma visits them during the day when the parents are working. One day, Cl wanted chicken rice for lunch. Grandma said....tomorrow, cos the maid has cooked lunch. Cl went sulking to the room, not before demanding chicken rice for lunch the next day.

The next day, grandma visited them again. This time, Cl asked....where's my chicken rice? Grandma said she did not buy cos maid has already prepared lunch! Cl stormed off....screaming at grandma..."Then tomorrow, you better buy 3 packets of chicken rice!"

What a little bitch! At this age, such diva behaviour! Mind you, this is a little girl who pecks at her food. SO had meals with her before on special occasions like birthdays etc...and she had to be fed by the mother or maid, otherwise she would not eat! And during grandma's birthday last month, she had a fried fritter on the way there and she could not eat her dinner other than a few mouthfuls!

And this little diva dared to ask for 3 packets of chicken rice! Can she even finish half a pack? Screaming at her grandma! What a brat!

Yet this little girl is terrified of her father. Once she broke something, grandma threatened to tell her father, and she went into hysterical sobbings...please dun tell papa...Obviously her papa is the disciplinarian in the family.

And when SO visits, this little girl always go all mute, hiding in corners, refusing to speak. And at the slightest approach from strangers or relatives other than her immediate family, would burst into tears.

And did i forget to mention that she likes to cry? Sobbing if she is confronted by her parents if she bully her sister? Gosh...this little bitch is going to grow up to be a typical woman.

Frankly, that's why I dun have children. Some children can be demons these days. If Cl is my daughter or even granddaughter, I am not going to stand for this type of bitchy bully/diva behavior at this age! She is not even a teen yet! When she becomes a teen, she is going to be a handful!

And yes, I will buy you that 3 packets of chicken rice. And you little bitch are going to have nothing for breakfast, lunch and dinner until you finish all that chicken rice!

SO told me I am wicked and thank god, we dun have children, otherwise they turn out not to be bitchy divas but whimpering idiots.

That I dun mind. What I do mind is you cannot become a spiteful bitch at this tender age. Childhood is suppose to be innocent and trouble free, not plotting against your sister cos you are jealous. You are already the prettier one and the more favored one, what else do you want?

You can be a spiteful bitch when you are in your teen!

But then luckily she is not my daughter, so why should I bother! Ha!

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