Wednesday, August 13, 2008

SO new hair

SO colored his hair on Monday.

His old hair color was this light brown blondish parts with lots of white stray hairs sticking out. Frankly, it looked more like stiff barbed light brown copper wires. Really awful, really fake and well ugly.

And his mother thought so too and told him over the weekend when he went home.

I have been telling him that for weeks and he has been practically ignoring what I said. But when his mama said so, it's suddenly golden advice. From trash to gold.

Now his hair is dark brownish that it is almost black. The new color took 5 years off and he looked much younger. The color he used was a new brand, Palette. And color was Middle Brown, 4-0.

Normally, we would share a bottle of hair color and color our hair together. My color always turned out better and more lasting. And his would after a few weeks, turned out to be like brown copper wires with fine white wires in between. Always.

But this time, he colored it by himself. Without even blinking. Even when I said I was tired and suggested coloring it another day. He just wanted to color it that very day and he couldn't wait.

I went for my nap and when I woke up 2 hours later, his hair was darker. Very much darker.

He went to work with a new hair color the next day. The first day, no one noticed. But today, the 2nd day, he messaged me to say that his colleagues said they preferred his old hair color. The copper wires.

So I asked him, Are your colleagues flaming transvestites? Why else would they prefer really fake looking copper hair?

I still think this new dark color is more suitable and compatible to him. It is more natural and made him looked younger. The old color made him looked like a old faggot or auntie.

That bitch is still not that used to the new color. He preferred his old copper wires.

I told him to wait till his mama sees it next week. She would be elated and jumped for joy!

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