Tuesday, August 19, 2008

With all my heart

I was sitting on the toilet bowl, doing my business, when I thought of Gin.

It has been about 2 months since she died.

I remembered her warmth, her fur, the way she looked at me. I especially missed the way she looked at me. With love. Unconditional love that went all the way to her soul to mine.

No one loved her like I did and no one loved me like she did.

However, I didn't feel very sad. Just sad. And no matter how I tried, I just couldn't cry. Not any more!

Is there something wrong with me? I loved her so much and 2 months later, after her death, I just couldn't cry for her any more.

Have I gotten over her death? Is my mourning for her over?

That quickly? I still felt like some thing's missing that now she is not around. The whole place seemed so empty.

As I am typing this, I felt my eyes reddening and single droplets of teardrop appeared on both of my eyes.

And I am glad that these were tears.

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