Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I am in love with House!

I am a great fan of House, the TV series. I have this thing going on for smart, witty men with dry humor and loads of sarcasm. Like Gregory House (House) and Seth Cohen (OC). Wicked Sarcasm is SO sexy!

And House is driving me nuts with his housisms (yes, there is such a term coined for it).
Housism is a comment, normally a one-liner, generally an offbeat response. Something Dr. Gregory House would say. (For examples, please visit the site above.)

Well, I suppose I really enjoyed sarcasm and also relished in dishing it out to people around me. I was once known as the sharpest tongue in the office.

But I just dun have the dry wit and sheer confidence that House exhibits. He's my role model.
I wondered who's the scriptwriters who came out with all these really delicious lines!

Frankly, what distinguish this TV series from other medical TV shows like ER, Grey's etc is House's wit and sarcasm. Without that, the show would have fell flat.

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