Thursday, July 24, 2008

Real quick delivery

I was dead to the world, sleeping like a log when my hand phone rang this morning at 11 am.

Frankly, I was too tired and I just pressed the reject button on the phone. Moments later, SO called to say that Changi Pharmacy delivery is coming in 15 mins time!

I had shopped online yesterday 23 Jul at about 12:30am. And according to the site, delivery is 2 working days. So I was only expecting the delivery on Friday.

I jumped out of bed, brushed my teeth to get rid of my morning breath and changed into a better T shirt. I then lured Bell into the kitchen and unlocked the gate.

Within the 20 mins, the delivery guy was there! I opened the door just as he was about to knock, giving him a shock.

I pried opened the box and checked the contents are as I ordered and signed the acknowledgment slip.

As simple as that!

Wonder if I should buy more before the end of the month. 25% is really a good discount.

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