Monday, July 7, 2008

What the fuck is Myst?

I bought Myst the psp game from Comic Connection on Sunday. It was on sale for $20. The original price was $60.


Well, I dun know much about Myst. I have not played it before on any platform. I have seen the name Myst and also heard of it. I read about the beautiful graphics. And I knew it was a game about puzzles.

I really thought I got a good bargain. And how bad can a psp game be?

The manual said of the game....
There are no instructions and the player begins a voyage of exploration without encountering a single living sole. Alone on a mysterious island, you set out to explore its grandeur and mystery.




And then I played it last night. was so slow and super boring. Nothing's happening. Nothing's moving. There is just one frame and arrows to move around. How primitive is that! There are puzzles and I sucked big time at puzzles. And these puzzles are so boring!

How can such a game be a hit when it came out on PC more than 10 years ago? I read that it was really really big hit, until SIMS came out.

No wonder there are hardly any reviews on Myst the psp game. It's that awful! And really really outdated!

It's the type of game that one either hated it or loved it.

After half an hour of playing, I declared this the worse Psp game I ever played! It's a waste of my money.

But....but.....I would give it a try again, when I am extremely bored and i have no more other psp games to play. And also after I had printed out the hints and walk through for the game.

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